Nobody likes energy codes. This unfortunate fact maintains my popularity ratings, as a writer and enforcer of energy codes, down in the low single digits. Energy codes fall into the same category as speed limits and industrial safety rules—things that society wants but the private sector just can’t or won’t do on its own. For builders and developers, however, the code restrictions seem to pile up year after year, making it ever more challenging to get things built. Isn’t there some way to get those higher-efficiency homes that states and cities are …
Nobody likes energy codes. This unfortunate fact maintains my popularity ratings, as a writer and enforcer of energy codes, down in the low single digits. Energy codes fall into the same category as speed limits and industrial safety rules—things that society wants but the private sector just can’t or won’t do on its own. For builders and developers, however, the code restrictions seem to pile up year after year, making it ever more challenging to get things built. Isn’t there some way to get those higher-efficiency homes that states and cities are …
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